Rikus Blom
This page serves to verify that the person is a practitioner member of Signo Professional in good standing. Any feedback is welcomed as we promote and support practitioner growth, development, accountability and ethics. In this regard practitioner members must sign a skilled-helping code-of-ethics irrespective of whether they are counsellors, coaches, facilitators, mediators or other professional-, or practitioner skilled helpers.
My name is Rikus, I am a member of Signo Professional Association and have signed a SignoPro ethics code of conduct in the interest of my clients and my growth as a practitioner.

I reside in Garsfontein in the east of Pretoria where I also work as a youth leader at the Dutch Reformed Church Garsfontein. I completed a post graduate diploma in theology and in 2022 I completed my MDiv within which my dissertation focused on an interdisciplinary approach between narrative and music therapy in pastoral counselling. I have also recently been ordained in the Dutch Reformed Church.
I love working with people and relationships are of great importance to me. I believe it is a great honour to be able to share in the stories that make up a person’s lived experience. For this reason, narrative therapy and pastoral counselling are very dear to me as it allows me to share in the stories of others and to journey alongside them toward unique outcomes in their life stories.
I love listening to music as well as playing on my ukulele. My next musical challenge will be to learn to play the guitar. The great outdoors is where I feel truly at home and I enjoy hiking, visits to the ocean or Kruger national park or any place where I get to see or pet animals.