Lizzie Marshall

Lizzie Marshall

This page serves to verify that the person is a practitioner member of Signo Professional in good standing. Any feedback is welcomed as we promote and support practitioner growth, development, accountability and ethics. In this regard practitioner members must sign a skilled-helping code-of-ethics irrespective of whether they are counsellors, coaches, facilitators, mediators or other professional-, or practitioner skilled helpers.

We cannot change our past


We can live in the present


re-author our preferred future.


My journey to Pastoral Narrative Therapy Practitioner of Hope began in 2018.

A potentially life threatening diagnosis interrupted my studies at the beginning of 2019 but after completing the treatment, fully recovered, healed and restored I resumed my studies in 2022.  Currently completing Supervision COP24 with Coram Deo.

I studied Early Childhood Education at Barkly House Teacher’s Training College in Cape Town in the 1980’s.  I worked with children and students throughout my 15 year career in pre-primary education.  I left the profession in order to raise my 2 children, but continued to work and lecture in the field of early childhood education and student training.

My interests are wide and varied!  Interior designer, guest-house owner,  trail runner,  foodie,  gardener,  traveller,  bibliophile,  wife,  mother,  daughter,  sister and friend.

I love interacting with people from all walks of life.


Lizzie Marshall
Cell:  0824988245

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