This page serves to verify that the entity is a practitioner member of Signo Professional in good standing. Any feedback is welcomed as we promote and support practitioner growth, development, accountability and ethics. In this regard practitioner members must sign a skilled-helping code-of-ethics irrespective of whether they are counsellors, coaches, facilitators, mediators or other professional-, or practitioner skilled helpers.
Equipping Christian leaders for Leadership, Ministry and Counselling
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Ken – Verstaan – Leef die Woord! Alles rus op die Woord Die Kruis is die middelpunt Die bome verteenwoordig die GROEI in ons Die HEELAL en die KUNS om waarlik te lewe is ons fokus
Ons dosente
Dosente: Dr Francois Swart Dr Graham Albertyn Dr Retha Kruidenier Dr Friedel Olckers Professor Pieter Els
Meer hier: of reik uit na ons, hier.
New member registration to qualify for SignoPro CPD points
Are you a professional?
If you are a professional such as a management leader, psychologist, consultant, or other professional, join our mailing list.
Do you represent an organisation/ buyer?
Do you represent an organisation who might be needing to put together projects such as for planned change or need competent team coaches for your executives? Join this mailing list.